Gas Engines / Gensets/PowerPlants
Diesel Engines / Gensets /PowerPlants

Gas engines give you a power range of 200 kW to 10 MW with fuel flexibility to run either on natural gas or a number of other gases.
Power plants with an output of 100,000 kWel and more are technically feasible.
The gas engines can be operated with different types of gas, natural gas, shale gas, mine gas, biogas, landfill gas, sewage gas, and syngas. They are designed for maximum electrical and thermal efficiency, low operating and service costs, and high reliability and availability.
We provide high quality used and new unused surplus gas engine CHP power plants, gas generators and steam boilers worldwide, cogeneration systems and auxiliary equipment as well.
We do also dismantling and shipping for our customers.
Gas Engines / Gensets
MWM Gas Engines and Gensets
TCG 3016 Gas Engine TCG 3016 400 – 1,000 kW el
Gas Engine TCG 3020 V20 Gas Engine TCG 3020
1,380 – 2,300 kW el
Gas engine TCG 2020 Gas Engine TCG 2020
1,000 – 2,000 kWel All gas types: natural gas, biogas, mine gas, landfill gas, sewage gas.
Gas Engine TCG 3020 V20 Gas Engine TCG 3020
1,380 – 2,300 kW el
Gas engine TCG 2032Gas Engine TCG 2032
3,000 – 4,500 kW el
Jenbacher Gas generation sets
Jenbacher Type 2
Jenbacher Type 3
Jenbacher Type 4
Jenbacher Type 6
Jenbacher J624
Wartsila , CAT , Deutz , Perkins , Waukesha

Diesel generation sets , diesel engines and complete CHP power plants equipped with diesel and heavy fuel oil (HFO) generators and auxilliary equipment.
Reliable power plants and diesel gensets for a wide range of applications: healthcare, data centers, airports, waste water treatment plants manufacturing plants and independent power stations. product covers diesel generator sets up to 4,000 kVA (50 Hz).
MTU Diesel generator
HFO and multi-fuel power plants

Simple-cycle electricity generation, industrial steam production, combined cycle, fresh water production, CHP plants
Flexible solution: The Wärtsilä 12V50DF is a four-stroke engine that runs on light fuel oil (LFO) or heavy fuel oil (HFO) capable of switching from gas to LFO/HFO and vice-versa smoothly during engine operation. These modern engines can complement and solve integration challenges with renewable energy technologies.
Услуга 4

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