Dual fuel Wärtsilä W12V50DF Package Gas/ Diesel Generator Sets
Sale New unused Zero Hours - Dual fuel Wärtsilä W12V50DF Package Gas/ Diesel Generator Sets Approx. power 11.7MW (14112 kVA) @ 514 rpm
Двухтопливная гибридная генераторная поршневая установка (ГПУ) Wartsila
Wärtsilä 50DF – это четырёхтактный, нереверсивный, дизельный двигатель с турбонаддувом и промежуточным охладителем, с прямым впрыском топлива жидкого топлива и непрямым впрыском газового топлива. Двигатель может эксплуатироваться в газовом или дизельном режиме.
12 Cylinders
• Never used / zero hours новая без наработки
• Manufacturer (Wärtsilä) serviced обслуживается производителем
• Stored indoors , warehouse. (Wärtsilä) складское хранение
• ABS Certification and Factory Tests сертификация
• Warranty & spare parts available гарантия производителя
Scope of supply Спецификация поставки
• Dual Fuel (DF) Engine driving a generator at
constant speed and capable of operating on liquid and gaseous fuel
• Max continuous rating (MCR) 11,700 KW/ 514 rpm/
• NOx Emissions Marpol 73/78 Annex VI Tier II NOx EPA Tier III;
EPA compliant with addition of ^ SCR technology based on specific site and client permit requirements
• Generator - GE - Brushless 3-phase synchronous ,
rated at 14,112 KVA / 60 Hz/ 6.6 KV
• Separate or built-in automatic voltage regulator V
• Available with LNG Fuel Technology (optional)
The Wärtsilä 50DF is a four-stroke, non-reversible, turbocharged diesel engine and
intercooler, direct injection liquid fuel and indirect gas fuel injection. The engine can be operated in gas or diesel mode.
The Wärtsilä 12V50DF is a four-stroke engine that runs on light fuel oil (LFO) or heavy fuel oil (HFO) capable of switching from gas to LFO/HFO and vice-versa smoothly during engine operation. These modern engines can complement and solve integration challenges with renewable energy technologies.
Топливо двигателя:
Натуральный природный газ, легкое дистиллятное топливо, тяжелое мазутное топливо . может плавно переключаться между видами топлива во время работы.
The engine can be run on either natural gas (LNG) , light fuel oil (LFO), or heavy fuel oil (HFO), and can smoothly switch between fuels whilst operating. It is designed to provide the same output regardless of the fuel.
Wärtsilä 50DF
Cylinder bore 500 mm Fuel specification: Fuel oil
Piston stroke 580 mm 700 cSt/50°C 7200 sR1/100°F
Cylinder output 975 kW/cyl ISO 8217, category ISO-F-DMX,
Speed 514 rpm DMA and DMB
Mean effective pressure 20.0 bar BSEC 7520 kJ/kWh
Piston speed 9.9 m/s BSGC 7470 kJ/kWh
Gross weight = 175 tonn
As a dual fuel engine, the Wärtsilä 50DF engine is designed for continuous operation in gas operating mode or diesel operating mode. For continuous operation in the rated output, the gas used as main fuel in gas operating mode has to fulfill the producer's mentioned quality requirements.(Natural Gas (LNG))
Gas inlet temperature °C 0…60 Water and hydrocarbon condensates at engine inlet not allowed .